Our process

The Design Squiggle shows how we approach our projects. Messy & exploratory in the beginning, focused towards the end.

1. Analyze

Gain insights and map opportunities. The first part of the process brings with it a lot of uncertainty. It is not possible to tell in advance where the process will take us exactly and what the outcome will be.

2. Design

Insights are shaped into a vision of the future. Inspiration, exploration & experimentation are key activities in this phase. Ultimately one or more concepts are developed.

3. Realize

Once a viable concept has been selected, it is further detailed, tested and refined until a design arises that can be manufactured at scale. It is then that focus & structure take over and we proceed in nearly a straight line towards realization.

Our capabilities

It is in the execution where good ideas have a chance to become something great. We are at our best when we are responsible for the process from head to tail.

– Design Research & Strategy

– Concept Development

– Product Design

– Mechanical Engineering

– Prototype Building

– Creation of Imagery

– Design For Manufacturing

What can we do for your organization? Let’s find out. Get in touch via our contact page.

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